Meeting families where they’re at…


Pregnancy Care

During pregnancy a woman’s body experiences rapid change. Here at House of Vitality we’re here to support you through these changes. We approach this phase of life with a philosophy of cultivating well nourished soil for your baby to grow healthy and strong-creating an ideal environment for both mom and baby utilizing different tools such as Webster Technique. A technique designed to optimize the environment of mom and bring comfort to her as she journeys through pregnancy. Let us help you feel your best during this transformative time of life!

Pediatric Care

The pace at which our children are developing is quick and sometimes intense on them due to different chemical, emotional, and physical stressors. We’re here to provide support to their system by bringing ease and awareness to their bodies. Utilizing gentle and specific adjustments chiropractic care can allow them to journey through life without the weight of what the world puts on them. Our goal is to bring health and healing to our community and that starts with the next generation.

Family Centered Care

Our mission is to bring nervous system focused chiropractic care to our community by making it convenient for families to receive care as a whole. We offer family visits for initial consults and adjustments. We are passionate about providing a space for families to be seen and heard bringing health freedom to the families we care for, hearing their highs and lows, and supporting them during their health journey. Some things we commonly see resolved in our office are headaches, constipation, sleep disruption, colic, ear infections, anxiety, depression, aches and pains, and delayed milestones.

Contact our office to learn more about our complimentary services for our expecting moms!